Thursday, 13 November 2008

37 years prisonment demanded for cihildren just for throwing stones

In Turkey the stiuation of political child under arrest going to worse bye demand high imprisonment of courts.

In 11 november the the High Criminal Court of Diyarbakır sentenced 15 years old boy Ferit Gülcü to 7 years jail.

Also In 13 November at court of Hakan Hebun Akkaya(16), Mazlum Erenci(17), Ali Niçan(16) and Mehmet Zahir Yıldız(16) The High Court of Diyarbakır demanded 37 years imprisonment for four child. The court says they were the member of PKK because they threw stones to the polices during the 14 June revolt. Also court said they damaged the common property and made propaganda by throwing stones...

Every they we saw the high punihment given to the children ages between 12-17 by the high ciriminal court of Diyarbakır. But we know those punishments are the result of politics of Turkish government towards the kurdish children. The leader of Turkish army İlker Bşbuğ said their new target is preventing the Kurdish to participate the PKK. As we saw their way to prevent children participate to PKK is keeping them in the prison.

Monday, 10 November 2008

aid deman of child prsioners rejected by psychologist of Diyarbakır E Type Prison

In these days Kurdish rebllion is raising and especially children are going to ahead. You can see many children in streets throwing stones to military and polices during the protests. These protests focused in Dİyarbakır, Hakkari, Van, Şırnak and provinces of these cities.

During these protests many children were taken to prison, as we informed during last 3 months 30 children their ages between 12-17 have arrested and sent to the prison. Also in the last 3 months none of the children sent to prison released during the courts.

During police custody most of the children were exposed to heavy physical and psychological torture. So most of them's psychological state is bad and they had problems.

Mustafa Y is one of them. He is in Diyarbakır E Type Prison in part of political child prisoners, is 14. He was exposed to heavy torture during police custody and he can not control his eye and hand movements and cannot sleep. So he demanded psychological support from the psychologist of prison N. K., but the response is more tragic than the past experiences of custody. Psychologist Ms K. says him " Do not lie! The government does not do such things. Also do not revolt against goverment again!" Also she says the doctor of prison, that Mustafa was lying, and not take him seriously.

Now no body can do nothing for Mustafa and many others like Mustafa.
Turkey signed but put risk to the international Child Rights Agreement, so the children participated to the political events are be judged in adults harsh penalty court.

The Children taken to prison now are being sentenced with between 3 to 25 years prisonment. The Number of children in prison are raising. All law against these children.