Friday, 26 December 2008



Not to behave children as children is unacceptable!In 14th July and 20th October 2008 during the protests in Diyarbakır(Turkey) and around Diyarbakır about 50 children were arrested with claim of throwing Stones to the polices. The children are between 15-18 are on trial contrary to Covention on The Rights of Child, rule of law, child justice system. They are charging with “being member of terrorist organization” by claim of participating those protests.The trial of the children are reman prison for 63 days, seen on the 5th Commissaired Assize Court of Diyarbakır. The Court decided one child being released pending trial, and other 5s being in arrest. Next trial will be done in 17 february 2009On 25th and 30 December there will be two other trial and we are worried the decision will be same.Charging the person younger than 18 at the Commissaired Assize Court(court for adults) is incongrous with United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, rule of law, other international conventions of law and child justice system.These children are charging with member of terrorist organization by throwing stones. These accusations which can be resulted with heavy sentencements. In legal contemplation these sentencements are worried because of being precedents of a case for the next trials. And it is worried for thechild justice system. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, says “in all circumstances and all activities person under 18 is chid”Also Convention expects to goverments adopt all protective and supportive measures for child to use thier rights. As child rights advocates we remind that, these children are “children”, they have the rights of being assized in the child justice system and as agreed United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and UN Child criminal justice System. As assuption of this obligation, the detainer must be the last solution and the reason of the crime must be assessed comprehensively, objectively, dependently. Also the system of the prevention them from crime must be developed. Also they must be charged at juvenile court not The Commissaired Assize Court which was replaced former the State Security court. Our demand both during the charge also after the charge these children must not lose their right of education and all their other rights. The psychological and growth support must be provided for detainer children. We remind the government and also all responsible people that they are “children”, also we invite everyone not to do discrimination any child also provide Justice like written in equity principle of the constitutional charter, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Attempt of Justice for ChildrenIncorporated Law Society of Diyarbakır, Association of Agenda Child, Attempt Stop Racism And Nationalism, Human Rights Association, Association Of Human Rights Researces, Association of solidarity for Children Lose Freedom, Youth Re-Autonomy Foundation of Turkey

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Ilısu Dam Activist Arrested During Research Visit

Ilısu Dam Activist Arrested During Research Visit
KHRP is deeply concerned about the arrest of Ipek Tasli, a joint coordinator with the Keep Hasankeyf Alive Initiative, during a recent trip to carry out research in areas due to be affected by the Ilısu Dam project in south-eastern Turkey.
Tasli visited Dargeçit on 4 December and investigated official efforts to inform residents in the area about the construction of the dam. Staff at a government office told her that people regularly visited the community outreach office to receive information about the project and that they had been in contact with nearly all of those who would be affected. However, an informal poll of local people suggested that very few even knew where the office was. Tasli next travelled to the site of the dam itself to photograph construction work and speak with people living in the area. She was told that residents in a village there had asked for a local information office to be set up but were yet to receive a reply.
After leaving the village, Tasli and her driver were arrested by gendarmes at around 4pm and were questioned without access to a lawyer. The following day she was brought before a court and she and her driver were accused of disseminating propaganda on behalf of a terrorist organisation. They were eventually released at 2pm on 5 December but Tasli’s camera and photographs were not returned to her.
The Ilısu Dam project stands to displace up to 78,000 people, flood the ancient city of Hasankeyf and reduce downstream water flows to Iraq. KHRP and its partners have long campaigned against the way the project has been designed. Efforts to consult with those who will be affected and to lay the ground for compensation have been grossly inadequate. In October, Germany, Austria and Switzerland threatened to withdraw financial support for the scheme unless Turkey takes concrete steps to meet its obligations.
‘This incident once again underlines the Turkish authorities’ absolute disregard for due process and transparency in relation to the Ilısu Dam scheme and its huge environmental and human rights fallout,’ said KHRP Deputy Director Rachel Bernu. ‘In the course of undertaking a project with such far-reaching implications, the Turkish authorities should be engaging civil society representatives and affected populations in open dialogue, not intimidating them with accusations of terrorism offences. It is to be hoped that the European Export Credit Agencies will take this episode very seriously as they continue to evaluate their involvement.’

Thursday, 13 November 2008

37 years prisonment demanded for cihildren just for throwing stones

In Turkey the stiuation of political child under arrest going to worse bye demand high imprisonment of courts.

In 11 november the the High Criminal Court of Diyarbakır sentenced 15 years old boy Ferit Gülcü to 7 years jail.

Also In 13 November at court of Hakan Hebun Akkaya(16), Mazlum Erenci(17), Ali Niçan(16) and Mehmet Zahir Yıldız(16) The High Court of Diyarbakır demanded 37 years imprisonment for four child. The court says they were the member of PKK because they threw stones to the polices during the 14 June revolt. Also court said they damaged the common property and made propaganda by throwing stones...

Every they we saw the high punihment given to the children ages between 12-17 by the high ciriminal court of Diyarbakır. But we know those punishments are the result of politics of Turkish government towards the kurdish children. The leader of Turkish army İlker Bşbuğ said their new target is preventing the Kurdish to participate the PKK. As we saw their way to prevent children participate to PKK is keeping them in the prison.

Monday, 10 November 2008

aid deman of child prsioners rejected by psychologist of Diyarbakır E Type Prison

In these days Kurdish rebllion is raising and especially children are going to ahead. You can see many children in streets throwing stones to military and polices during the protests. These protests focused in Dİyarbakır, Hakkari, Van, Şırnak and provinces of these cities.

During these protests many children were taken to prison, as we informed during last 3 months 30 children their ages between 12-17 have arrested and sent to the prison. Also in the last 3 months none of the children sent to prison released during the courts.

During police custody most of the children were exposed to heavy physical and psychological torture. So most of them's psychological state is bad and they had problems.

Mustafa Y is one of them. He is in Diyarbakır E Type Prison in part of political child prisoners, is 14. He was exposed to heavy torture during police custody and he can not control his eye and hand movements and cannot sleep. So he demanded psychological support from the psychologist of prison N. K., but the response is more tragic than the past experiences of custody. Psychologist Ms K. says him " Do not lie! The government does not do such things. Also do not revolt against goverment again!" Also she says the doctor of prison, that Mustafa was lying, and not take him seriously.

Now no body can do nothing for Mustafa and many others like Mustafa.
Turkey signed but put risk to the international Child Rights Agreement, so the children participated to the political events are be judged in adults harsh penalty court.

The Children taken to prison now are being sentenced with between 3 to 25 years prisonment. The Number of children in prison are raising. All law against these children.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Armed Forces To Conduct Military Operations In Northern Iraq

The Parliament passes the request to extend the permission to conduct military operations in Northern Iraq against the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) guerillas for one more year. Only the Democratic Society Party (DTP) votes against it.

Bia news center - Ankara

The Parliament has passed the request for the letter of permission to the Turkish Armed Forces to conduct military operations in Northern Iraq.

Supported by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the National Movement Party (MHP), the letter of permission received 511 votes.
Eighteen deputies said no to the letter of permission.
MHP and CHP targeted Barzani

Talking on behalf of the CHP, deputy Şükrü Elekdağ said the previous letter of permission that was passed on October 17 for one year had failed to bring positive results, not preventing the terrorist attacks. He blamed the government for not being able to form a correct strategy.
He urged that the government pressure the Iraqi government and accuse Iraqi Kurdish leader Mesut Barzani for harboring and supporting the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).

Using the same tone, MHP deputy Deniz Bölükbaşı too insisted on the need to pressure the administration of Barzani, to intervene militarily if needed and refuse any kind of diplomatic relationship with it.

Criticizing the fact that the Aktütün border post was not reinforced after the attack, Elekdağ called upon all the deputies to condemn this attack.

No vote from the DTP

Deputy Fatma Kurtulan, talking on behalf of the Democratic Society Party (DTP), said the problem could not be solved by military means and therefore passing the letter of permission was not going to help solve the problem.

Criticizing the reactions coming from the other deputies, Kurtulan emphasized that it was necessary to change the Constitution and advance to the pluralist and democratic system.
“The fact that Kurds also exist in this country that was won together must be recognized and the Kurdish people must be given the right to live as free citizens in a commonly shared country and under a common flag.”

Çiçek: Target is the AKP government
Talking on behalf of the government, Cemil Çiçek denied the charge that the negligent policies of the government were to blame. He said that they had provided the Armed Forces whatever it had asked for.

“The world is behind us on this for the first time. The government have shown the whole world that we were right in this matter. Therefore, the PKK is disturbed by us, by the Justice and Development Party (AKP). The target of the terrorist organization is the AKP government.” (EÜ/TB)

Monday, 6 October 2008

Kurdish Guerillas Attack A Military Border Post

Reacting to the military operations by the Turkish Armed Forces, the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) attacked to a military post in the eastern Turkey, killing 15 soldiers and injuring 21. 23 guerillas were killed in the engagement as well.

Bia news center - Hakkari

38 people, soldiers and militants, were killed in the attack by the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) to the military post in Aktütün in the province of Hakkari in the eastern Turkey.
According to the explanation by the General Staff, the armed engagement which started in yesterday (October 3) afternoon continued until the evening. The attack to the post was supported by heavy weapons from the other side of the border, the northern Iraq, which is ten kilometers from the military post. The General Staff emphasized that the number of soldiers in the area was close to a company and support units both from land and air were sent in with the start of the engagement.

According to the Fırat News Agency (ANF), the People’s Defensive Forces (HPG), PKK’s military branch, said the attack was launched in reaction to the operations by the Turkish Armed Forces. The ANF also said that the soldiers who were on leave because of the national holiday have been called back to their units.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan canceled his trip to Mongolia and came back to Turkey.

The Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) deputy Ufuk Uras said, “The incidents in places like Altınova, Dikili and Sarayköy show the serious results to which the deep polarization in the society may lead. The will to live together is being destroyed more with every passing day. We are going towards a Turkish-Kurdish conflict.”

President Abdullah Gül said, “The successes by the Armed Forces in the past one year have demoralized and weakened the terrorist organization very much. Whatever the cost may be, we will continue with the struggle.

President of the Republican People’s Party (CHP)Deniz Baykal said, “The fight against terror will experience serious problems and difficulties as long as those who do not describe this incident as terror and not condemn such events continue with their activities in this society.”

President of the National Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahçeli said, “There seems to be developing a conviction regarding the inadequacy of the measures put into effect by the government.”

The fifth attack

Aktütün post has been attacked by the PKK five times since 1982. The first attack was in 1982, leaving 22 dead. (EÜ/TB)

Monday, 22 September 2008

Are The Forests Fires In Eastern And Southeastern Turkey Set Intentionally?

Hakkari deputy for the Democratic Society Party questions the Forestry Minister about the forest fires in eastern and southeastern Turkey, claiming that they are done intentionally for security reasons.
Bia news center - - Hakkari - Yüksekova
Hamit Geylani, Hakkari deputy for the Democratic Society Party (DTP), has submitted a question motion about the forest fires in the southeastern Turkey, which he claims are used in the fight against terror. He directed his question to Minister of Environment and Forestry Veysel Eroğlu.
“They are being burned for the operations”
Geylani says, in his motion, that most of the forested regions in the area have been destroyed by fires that arise because of the clashes in the eastern and southeastern Turkey over the years.
“Nobody interferes in the forest fires”
Geylani says, “What is worse is they do not interfere, they simple watch them burn. The same sensitivity that is shown for the forest fires in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions of the country should be shown for the ones in the eastern and southeastern regions.”
Geylani’s questions are briefly as follows:
- How many hectares of forests have been destroyed in eastern and southeastern regions between 1990 and 2008? Do you have some ideas about the causes of these fires?
- What do you know about the allegation that the forest fires in the region are being set by the security forces?
- Do you have information about the forests burned by the military operations up until today?
- Why nobody tries to put out these fires? Why the authorities watch them burn?
- Why no legal actions are taken against those who burn these forests?
- Are certain regions discriminated when it comes to the forest fires?
- Are the authorities trying to reforest these areas destroyed by fires? If yes, then how much reforesting have been done?
- Will you do anything about the land going bad in the eastern and southeastern Turkey? (EÇ/EZÖ/EÜ/TB)

Friday, 12 September 2008

Time To Face Diyarbakır Military Prison Of The September 12 Coup

Time To Face Diyarbakır Military Prison Of The September 12 Coup

The Justice And Facing The Truth About The Diyarbakır Military Prison Commission announces that the road to democracy passes through facing the past. The commission calls upon those who witnessed the incidents to come forward.

Bia news center - İstanbul



The Justice And Facing The Truth About The Diyarbakır Military Prison Commission held a press release. They announced that they would try to reveal the truth by reaching the witnesses, victims and perpetrators who lived and experienced this period of 1980-84.

The commission, which is made up of journalists, academicians and human rights defenders, met at Istanbul Chamber of Medical Doctors (ITO). Prof. Dr. Gençay Gürsoy, president of the Turkish Medical Doctors Association (TTB), declared that we must to face the incidents in the Diyarbakır Prison, if we want to remove the obstacles in front of democracy.

Similarly, Tarık Ziya Ekinci, a former deputy for the Turkish Worker Party (TİP), reminded that there were military coups in other countries too, but these societies faced and settled with their pasts.

Nimet Tanrıkulu, a human rights defender, who read the press release, called upon everyone who experienced the period to give them information about it. Tanrıkulu said that they were not interested in taking revenge, but wanted to help facing the September 12 Military Coup and the extermination policies targeting the Kurds.

Likewise, lawyer Ergin Cinmen also emphasized that the obstacles in front of secularism and the Kurdish Problem were created with this military coup 28 years ago:

“If the state has a positive plan about the southeastern Turkey and the Kurds, then it must confront the Diyarbakır Prison.”

The commission is made up of 57 names, including journalist Ahmet Tulgar, journalist Berat Günçıkan, President of the Human Rights Association (İHD) lawyer Hüsnü Öndül, Prof. Dr. Turgut Tarhanlı, lawyer Fikret İlkiz, Assoc. Prof. Nazan Üstündağ, Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar, journalist Murat Çelikkan, lawyer Fethiye Çetin, Gülten Kaya, Celalettin Can of the 78’ers Initiative, Prof. Dr. Tahsin Yeşildere, Yavuz Önen of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) and doctor Mustafa Sütlaş.

The initiative had announced on May 18, 2007, the day of the anniversary of the death of Ferhat Kuntay, Necmi Öner, Eşref Ayık and Mahmut Zengin who had burned themselves in 1982 to protest the inhumane conditions in the Diyarbakır prison, that they had opened the Diyarbakır Prison file.

The commission was formed on September 12, 2007, following five-year long research, and it had immediately begun meeting with people from Istanbul and Urfa who had witnessed the period. (BÇ/EÜ/TB)

Copies Of Daily Birgün Seized For Interviewing A Kurdish Workers Party Administrator

Copies Of Daily Birgün Seized For Interviewing A Kurdish Workers Party Administrator

The court seized the copies of daily Birgün for Tahmaz’s interview of a Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) administrator, Murat Karayılan. The accusation is “giving place to the explanations and announcements of a terrorist organization.”

Bia news center - İstanbul



Istanbul’s 12th High Criminal Court seized the copies of daily Birgün for Hasan Tahmaz’s interview with Murat Karayılan, one of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) authorities.

The reason behind the seizing decision was based on interview’s “giving place to PKK explanations” under article 6/2 of the Law for Fight Against Terror (TMY). The title of the article that caused the seizing was “One Sided Ceasefire Makes The Problem Worse,” which appeared on August 9, 2008.

Birgün’s accusation: To give place to the explanations of a terrorist organization
In the interview, Karayılan says although the person on the street does not want violence anymore, they will continue with their activities of “legitimate defensive war”.

Contrary to the desires of the peace activists in Turkey, Karayılan does not speak promisingly for ending the problem, underlining that it was not easy for the PKK any longer to declare a one-sided ceasefire. He states in the interview that this would make the problem worse.

Karayılan: We want to do politics as PKK
Karayılan stated in the same interview that they did not want to have a separate state, they were on the mountains because the Kurdish problem was denied, the Democratic Society Party was an intermediate step for them, they wanted to do politics as PKK and they did not see any contradiction in going to continue with their “legitimate defensive war.”

The newspaper was seized by the decision of Judge Necdet Ede of Istanbul’s 12th High Criminal Court on August 10.

It is not clear yet if a lawsuit will be filed against the newspaper, but according to article 6 of the TMY, those who publish the explanations or the announcements of terrorist organizations receive prison sentence from one to three years.

Istanbul’s Beyoğlu Chief Prosecutor had seized daily Birgün before, on December 29, 2005, for a news report about the Egyptian Bazaar case. (EÖ/EZÖ/TB)

“Mandatory Religion Courses Are Everyone’s Concern”

“Mandatory Religion Courses Are Everyone’s Concern”

President of the Human Rights Organization demands the removal of the mandatory religion courses. He says this is not the state’s domain.
Bia news center - İstanbul

With the beginning of the new school year, Hüsnü Öndül, President of the Human Rights Association (İHD), demands the removal of the mandatory religion courses.

Öndül sees the mandatory religion courses as part of the problem of human rights in Turkey.
He says the implementation is not only the concern of the Alevi believers, but the whole society.
“Can the state force upon the children of the citizens the mandatory religious education without taking the approval of the parents? How can this attitude be compatible with the principle of secularism? Or, how much this practice is consistent with the principle of the ‘democratic laicism’?”

“This is a subject that belongs completely to the individual; it is within the individual freedom category. It is outside the state’s domain of interference. As in other fields, the state should respect the pluralist structure of the society in the fields of religion, belief and culture. It should not impose anything; it should not discriminate.”

“To start with, the decisions of the European Human Rights Court about this subject should be implemented. The compulsory nature of the religious courses should be brought to an end through changes in the Constitution and the Laws. The discrepancies in the field of implementation with the international human rights documents should be fixed.”

Alevite organizations Pir Sultan Abdal Culture Association (PSAKD) and Alevi Bektashi Federation (ABF) have been conducting activities against the mandatory religion courses since August 24. (BÇ/EÜ/TB)

Doğan-Erdoğan Conflict: Bourgeoisie’s Fight Within Itself

Doğan-Erdoğan Conflict: Bourgeoisie’s Fight Within Itself

Writer Savran says the Erdoğan-Doğan conflict has exposed the corruption the relation between the ruling power and the capital has brought. He describes it as the plunder of the public resources that has been taking place through privatizations.
Bia news center - İstanbul
Writer Sungur Savran, a member of the Revolutionary Worker Party Initiative (DİP-G), told bianet, in the evaluation he made about the conflict between the Prime Minister and the Doğan Media Group, that “Bourgeoisie’s dirty relations should be exposed as soon as they are in the open.”
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had reacted out of proportion to the news of the trial of Deniz Feneri (Light House) in the newspapers of the Doğan Media Group. Deniz Feneri is on trial in Germany for the charge of fraud for collecting donations from the Turks living in Germany for various disasters. It is accused of having used these donations in other areas and activities that have no connection with the advertised intentions.
Erdoğan's reply to the news was that the Doğan Group had produced these allegations when its business demands were not met. Head of the Doğan Group Aydın Doğan has been accusing the Prime Minister of blackmailing.
“It is not only the Deniz Feneri”
Savran says that this time we are facing the Ergenekon of the bourgeoisie. He says that these allegations are being used firstly to attack the ruling party, to damage its credibility, in the fight within the bourgeoisie.
On the other hand, he would also like to remind the Doğan Group, which has been complaining about ruling party's attack on their freedom of expression, the 2002 - 2007 period during which they were very quiet at the increased attacks of all sorts against the opposition press, against the Kurdish press.
Secular opposition
Seeing a direct connection between this conflict and secular bourgeoisie’s opposition to the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Savran says the following:
“Doğan buys a big piece of land and tries to make hefty profit from it by trying to increase its price with a new zone plan and asks Prime Minister’s permission for a new refinery. Erdoğan says Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and Russian President Putin are involved in the whole thing. The bourgeoisie is making huge profits in these dirty relations and we learn about them when the holding boss and the prime minister get into an argument.”
“Privatization mentality”
Savran also points out to the struggle that the transfer of the public resources to the capitalists brought.
“If TÜPRAŞ (Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, Turkey’s Largest Industrial Enterprise) would have continued to be a public enterprise, this would have not happened. When Doğan goes to the Prime Minister and asks for the said land, he tells him that “Our body Çalık is going to do that”. How can a prime minister talk like this? This discussion shows clearly the plunder over the public resources. These are the largest groups of the Turkish bourgeoisie.”
Savran claims that a third front is possible in this conflict:
“Workers should form their own policy about classes, independent of these two camps of the bourgeoisie and together with the Kurds. They have no interest in choosing one of the sides in this conflict.” (OA/EÜ)

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Quran Boarding Course collapsed, 18 young student killed, 27 injured.

In 2 August at Taşket part of Konya town /Turkey, building of boarding Quran course collapsed and 18 girl who were between 12-16 killed, 27 are injured. As reported the Quran course was illegal and not have any legal permissions.

The Governor of Konya said, "The reason of collapse is leakage. The manager of course an other 2 officer were arrested. The legal process started, they will be punished".

But the tragic situation is the families of young girls did not sue the responsible people and they said that their girls were died by decision of Allah(god), Our girls were died on path of moslem. They were the Şehid(the person who died for religion like soldiers of prophet Mohammed).

Now governmental court oppened and invetigaion is continue. But if the families do not sue the responsible people will not be given high punishment. they will be fined of unpremenditated death. If they will be fined, the fine will be between 3-6 years for death of 18 young girls.

It is reported that there are about 1,500 Qouran course like that in turkey and most of them do not have legal permission. But the Turkish government support these courses and do not coerce them to get legal permission. So it won't be surprise if we witness to the new tragedies.

Turkey and Kurdistan: Özge Sönmez - Turkey

Turkey and Kurdistan: Necla Akkaya Turkey

Children Exposed To Torture
The Kurdish political leader Abdullah Öcalan who was in the İmralı Island prison from 1999, explained his lawyer that his hair was to have prison officers scraped by force. He said that this behaviours were indirect messages. "The Turkish government says, you are under our control, we can do what we wish to you." and made call the Kurds to protest this behaouvior of Turkish government.In 14. July 2008 there were many demonstration all over the Kurdish part of Turkey. In many cities Kurds flew the city centers, made crowded press releases. After press releases the police interfared the crowd and there were conflics between crowd and police. During that conflict in Diyarbakır drop down the govenmental flag.During those conflicts 7 of them children 11 people taken by police. 5 of 7 children imprisoned,. Also during house attacks 36 children taken to custody.Also from Cizre town of Şırnak 18 children taken to custody. Totally 65 childern taken to custody. 47 of them released, but 18 of them still in prison. And those chilren told their families and lawyers they exposed to torture during custody. Especially children taken from Cizre told that, police before taken custody and during custody they were exposed torture, the police put out cigarettes on their bodies, beat until broken their bones, gave electicity their bodies.The lawyers said their clients exposed to heavy torture and they will go to law. Also they said, their cilents are children, must be charged at child court but child court refused to charge them. harsh penalty court of adults. It means Turkey is transgressing International Child Rihgts Agrement.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Turkish Armed Forces Hit PKK Targets In Northern Iraq

The General Staff announced that yesterday (July 29) a large cave with 30-40 Kurdish Workers Party members was hit in Kandil region in Northern Iraq. A Kurdish village Bokristan is evacuated. The water project in the village is destroyed.

Bia news center - Kandil

The General Staff announced that yesterday a large cave was hit in Kandil region in Northern Iraq. The authorities think that there were 30-40 Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) members in the cave.

According to Fırat News Agency, right after Turkish forces hit Kandil, Iranian forces started firing into the Federal Kurdish Region as well.

According to the information gathered from the local sources, after the morning bombardment from Turkey came the Iranian bombardment in the afternoon.

Iranian bombardment hit Kani xumari, Xınere, Kenda Kola and Martyr Şerif areas of Sideka town in Federal Kurdish Region in Northern Iraq.

Bokriskan village which was the target of the Turkish bombardment was completely evacuated.

The local sources reported that six Turkish fighter planes hit Lewce, Inzo and Bkriskan villages, the Balekan Valley and Geliye Bedran in the outskirts of Kandil in Sidekan district in the northern Iraq.

Daily Gündem: One village was completely evacuated

According to Gündem, the village of Bokristan, the target of the Turkish bombardment, was completely evacuated.

The reporters stated that many animals were killed and the Bokristan water project was destroyed. The villagers were taken to Çoman and Ranya.

The General Staff announced previously that 12 PKK targets were hit in the Kandil region of the northern Iraq on July 27 and 13 on July 23. (NZ/EZÖ)

2 explosions in Gungoren / Istanbul

Hi all,

You may heard about the two explosion that we had in Gungoren/Istanbul two days ago. On the evening time, at a place where the people prefer to have a walk with their family or friends, the two bombs exploded.

It was so sad cause after the first explosion people who were around the area run there to help, but at that time when the place got more crowded the second explosion occured.

18 people dead and 5 of them were children.

You can watch the video of the second explosion through the link below,

It is an amateur one but we can see the explosion clearly...

For these two days, many conflicts got started in Turkey again. I ve post the news on the blog and I will continue posting.

The day after that explosion occured, Turkih army attacked Kabil region in Northern Iraq where 30-40 Kurdish Woker Party members were.

I will continue writing about the latest advences.


Kurdish Workers Party Says They Have Nothing To Do With Güngören Explosions

Rejecting the rexplosion reports against them, the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) says they never support such acts against civilians. Non-governmental organizations, political parties and professional chambers protest the attack.

Bia news center - İstanbul
28 Temmuz 2008, Pazartesi

Turkish Peace Council said, about the bomb explosions in Güngören, Istanbul, that “it is disturbing that Turkey is being pulled into an environment of violence, regardless of who organized this attack and for what purpose.”

Peace Council spokespeople Ayhan Bilge, Cengiz Güleç and Yüksel Mutlu warned against publications and announcements that would create hatred and division in the society.

Announcement by the Kurdish Workers Party

As some newspapers claimed the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) was responsible for the attack, Istanbul governor Muammer Güler, too, said, answering a question, that there seemed to be a link between the attack and the separatist organization. The investigation is still not completed.

In the meantime, according to gü, the PKK announced that they had nothing to do with the attack.

Protests of the Non-governmental organizations

Non-governmental organizations, political parties, professional chambers and unions made announcements protesting the attack.

President of the Confederation of the Revolutionary Labor Unions (DİSK) Süleyman Çelebi said nothing could be solved with violence and asked all the groups for democracy, freedom and democracy to get together and prepare for a long struggle.

President of the Turkish Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) Mehmet Soğancı said in a period when everyone is being intimidated, we should stand by each other for a democratic, equal and free Turkey.

According to president of Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People (MAZLUM-DER) Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, “This attack against civilians, not concerning itself with the women, children and elderly, is, without any doubt, an attack against humanity.”

Co-president of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) Ahmet Türk protested the attack, too, characterizing as an attack on peace and future.

The Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) deputy Ufuk Uras claimed that this attack would strengthen the hand of the racist, reactionary and pro-violence powers.

President of the Labor Party (EMEP) Levent Tüzel said, “This attack showed once again that the terrorist networks, the gangs and the dark powers in Turkey should be eliminated completely. Through a democratic struggle, the crimes and designs against the people should be uncovered.”

Turkish Journalists’ Association (TGC) asked that this attack is solved quickly. (EÜ/EZÖ/TB)

Turkish parliament clears the way for Kurdish language broadcasts

Turkey state-run media was authorized to broadcast limited programming in languages other than Turkish in 2002, though programs only started to be aired in 2004.

ANKARA - Turkey’s parliament has cleared the way for the launch of a new television station that will broadcast in a number of different languages, including Kurdish.

The parliament voted late Thursday to adopt a government proposal to set up the new state-run station, which will broadcast 24 hours a day.In addition to Kurdish language programming, the station will also air programs in other languages, including Arabic and Farsi, officials said.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Özge Sönmez - Turkey

That is a great opportinity to meet with you all through this course.

Let me introduce myself!

I am a twentyfour year old woman living in Istanbul and now working for a youth organization as a training coordinator since 2006 ( ). Before here, I was working for Greenpeace Turkey for a 'direct dialogue' fundraising project.

I am deeply interested in conflict cause I have conflict so often in my personal life and in my country.

I am also organizing trainings on conflict, conflict management and conflict resolution. For me this online course is also important to improve myself and my organization and also the people that are around me on the issue. Because youth are the most mobile people and it is not too much difficult for them to change their attitudes, it is an effective way to work with youth on conflict. They are also open to talk about the conflicts they have in Turkey.

Thanks to those trianings or other actions that are taken by any of us, or the tools we prefer to use in our daily life, are the ways to understand each of us who are having conflict for any reason.

In Turkey many many ethnic groups live. Turkish, Kurdish, Jewish, Armenian people are living in different parts of Turkey. Sometimes conflicts take place in Turkey not only between different ethnic groups but also between the same etnic groups.

That is one of my motivations for this online training and another one is my personal interest on the issue.

Özge Sönmez