Sunday, 3 August 2008

Quran Boarding Course collapsed, 18 young student killed, 27 injured.

In 2 August at Taşket part of Konya town /Turkey, building of boarding Quran course collapsed and 18 girl who were between 12-16 killed, 27 are injured. As reported the Quran course was illegal and not have any legal permissions.

The Governor of Konya said, "The reason of collapse is leakage. The manager of course an other 2 officer were arrested. The legal process started, they will be punished".

But the tragic situation is the families of young girls did not sue the responsible people and they said that their girls were died by decision of Allah(god), Our girls were died on path of moslem. They were the Şehid(the person who died for religion like soldiers of prophet Mohammed).

Now governmental court oppened and invetigaion is continue. But if the families do not sue the responsible people will not be given high punishment. they will be fined of unpremenditated death. If they will be fined, the fine will be between 3-6 years for death of 18 young girls.

It is reported that there are about 1,500 Qouran course like that in turkey and most of them do not have legal permission. But the Turkish government support these courses and do not coerce them to get legal permission. So it won't be surprise if we witness to the new tragedies.


Anonymous said...

I didn't understand relation of this post with the conflict.

selene said...


to reply to the comment 'the FD participants are free to post whatever they want about themselves, their life and reality and conflict'.