Monday 6 October 2008

Kurdish Guerillas Attack A Military Border Post

Reacting to the military operations by the Turkish Armed Forces, the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) attacked to a military post in the eastern Turkey, killing 15 soldiers and injuring 21. 23 guerillas were killed in the engagement as well.

Bia news center - Hakkari

38 people, soldiers and militants, were killed in the attack by the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) to the military post in Aktütün in the province of Hakkari in the eastern Turkey.
According to the explanation by the General Staff, the armed engagement which started in yesterday (October 3) afternoon continued until the evening. The attack to the post was supported by heavy weapons from the other side of the border, the northern Iraq, which is ten kilometers from the military post. The General Staff emphasized that the number of soldiers in the area was close to a company and support units both from land and air were sent in with the start of the engagement.

According to the Fırat News Agency (ANF), the People’s Defensive Forces (HPG), PKK’s military branch, said the attack was launched in reaction to the operations by the Turkish Armed Forces. The ANF also said that the soldiers who were on leave because of the national holiday have been called back to their units.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan canceled his trip to Mongolia and came back to Turkey.

The Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) deputy Ufuk Uras said, “The incidents in places like Altınova, Dikili and Sarayköy show the serious results to which the deep polarization in the society may lead. The will to live together is being destroyed more with every passing day. We are going towards a Turkish-Kurdish conflict.”

President Abdullah Gül said, “The successes by the Armed Forces in the past one year have demoralized and weakened the terrorist organization very much. Whatever the cost may be, we will continue with the struggle.

President of the Republican People’s Party (CHP)Deniz Baykal said, “The fight against terror will experience serious problems and difficulties as long as those who do not describe this incident as terror and not condemn such events continue with their activities in this society.”

President of the National Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahçeli said, “There seems to be developing a conviction regarding the inadequacy of the measures put into effect by the government.”

The fifth attack

Aktütün post has been attacked by the PKK five times since 1982. The first attack was in 1982, leaving 22 dead. (EÜ/TB)


Anonymous said...

HAVE you ever seen WTF boom videos, they are so much like war except better


Anonymous said...

no girl, you do a barrel roll

and who writes blogs on gorillas attacking military borders? Noob

Anonymous said...

fuck your guerilla pingas